Wednesday, August 15, 2012


hello dear world. i'll join you if you join me. 

 best friend and i decided that we wanted to start blogging... 

this is my best friend fawn (right), and myself.. 
we figured maybe we where cool enough! i mean come on, we are young in college, we craft, we ride bikes, we run races, we travel and so much more. so she started her blog! its super cute and you should probably check it out ;) The Element of Wonder. but i couldn't figure out what i wanted my blog to be about... 
at the incredible age of 20.. i well... had my very own colonoscopy. YAY! haha it was quite the experience. but maybe i'll tell you more about that at a later date. throughout all my doctors visits they concluded a few things. one: that i needed to go on a mostly lactose and milk free diet.. and two: a completely GLUTEN FREE diet. 

i have no kitchen, i have no skill what so ever, and i have not a slightest clue. but i have determination. i have the necessity to concur this diet and all the cooking and baking that comes with it. 

let me make it so clear that i have NO idea how to cook... i know nothing about knives or spices.. but i will soon :) 

so i would like to invite you to watch me learn, learn with me, advise me, or laugh with and at me.. all the way through. through product buying, baking, and all of my crazy college life in between every meal and shopping trip. i'll hop from kitchen to kitchen, race to race, and probably mood to mood... 

i'm a litte frightened...                                                                               but i'm excited